
About Conference


Greetings from the prestigious “36th World Conference on Neurology“, scheduled for July 18–19, 2024, in Paris, France. Neurology-2024 offers a new venue for debating all developments in the field of neurology.Know the Unknown Advanced Solutions on Neurology will be the main topic of conversation during the conference.

We feel immensely honored to invite you all, together with well-known figures, to our private Neurology Conferences. Our tight collaboration with innovative Neurology Conference Solutions indicates that the Diagnostic and Therapeutic Conference had an outstanding year. We are committed to provide the public state-of-the-art treatments for neurological illnesses.
Along with education and science, the Neurology Conference 2024 offers wonderful opportunities for connection and communication. After more than two years of epidemic restrictions, we will be allowed to observe and learn from one another!

The Neurology-2024 visits six different regions of the globe, each with its own healthcare infrastructure, cultural norms, neurological challenges, and requirements. This congress will act as a crucial forum for the dissemination of clinical expertise, individualized career routes, and scientific research, as well as for the mentoring and upbringing of the future generation.

This two-day educational program disseminates knowledge via a mix of presentations, case-based discussions, and in-depth Q&A sessions. This symposium will bring together leading experts in various fields to discuss the impact of new knowledge and cutting-edge medications on the treatment of neurologic disorders in a highly beneficial and fascinating way.

Return to us! Join forces and make a commitment to enhance our understanding of people’s decisions, actions, and mental processes through Neurology Meetings.

Sessions/ Tracks

  • Track 1: Neurology  Neuroscience
  • Track 2: Neurological Case Reports
  • Track 3: Neuropsychiatry  Neuropsychology
  • Track 4: Clinical Neurology
  • Track 5: Neurogenesis
  • Track 6: Neurology  COVID-19
  • Track 7: Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Track 8: Neural Circuits Neural feedback
  • Track 9: Cryptogenic Stroke Antiplatelet Therapy
  • Track 10: Brain Stroke
  • Track 11: Paediatric Neurology
  • Track 12: Nursing Education Research
  • Track 13: Neuro-pharmaceutics Neurophysiology
  • Track 14: Neuromuscular Disorders
  • Track 15: Neurochemistry
  • Track 16: Neuroimmunology
  • Track 17: MOG antibody disease (MOGAD)
  • Track 18: Neuro-Oncology Tumours
  • Track 19: Neuropathology Neuroradiology
  • Track 20: NeuroInfections
  • Track 21: Bioimaging Techniques Biomarkers, Biosimilars
  • Track 22: Tele-Psychiatry
  • Track 23: Neurophthalmology
  • Track 24: Genomics  Molecular Neurology
  • Track 25: Dementia Alzheimer’s disease
  • Track 26: Neurodegenerative diseases
  • Track 27: Mental Illness  Neurological Disorders
  • Track 28: Bipolar disorder Schizophrenia
  • Track 29: Eating Disorders
  • Track 30: Addiction
  • Track 31: Neurogenetic Neurometabolic Disorders
  • Track 32: Woman’s Mental Health
  • Track 33: Advanced Therapeutics for Mental Health Disorders
  • Track 34: Impact of Mental Illness on Society
  • Track 35: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Track 36: Neurologists, Neurosurgeons Neuroscientist
  • Track 37: Neuroplasticity
  • Track 38: Spine Surgery & Disorders
  • Track 39: Computational Neuroscience
  • Track 40: Stroke Rehabilitation Brain Haemorrhage
  • Track 41: Anxiety Depression
  • Track 42: Neuropharmacology
  • Track 43: Food Nutrition and Health
  • Track 44: Brain Cancer
  • Track 45: Head and Neck Cancer

YRF (Young Research Forum)

  • We offer the greatest platforms for oral presentations of your research at our conferences.
  • Discuss the concepts with mentors as well as renowned scholars.
  • Certificates and mementos for the winners of the Young Scientist Award’s restructuring
  • This forum will provide pertinent and current information to young scientists.
  • Forum for young researchers to collaborate for improved development
  • The Award should encourage participants to work hard to reach their maximum potential, which might benefit the industry as a whole.

To register, please follow the link: Registration Page

Note: Select “Neurology-2024,” July 18–19, 2024, Paris, France, or send us a direct email or use the WhatsApp number +44–7362049945.

Prestigious Award for Young Research’s at Neurology-2024– “Know the Unknown Advanced Solutions on Neurology”

Neurology-2023 Young Scientist Awards:
Brilliant young scientists, researchers, investigators, post-graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, trainees, and junior professors will be honored with prestigious awards with the help of the Neurology-2024 Committee in recognition of their excellent contributions to the conference’s subject. The Young Scientist Awards strive to offer early career academicians with a strong professional development opportunity by bringing professionals together to exchange and share their skills on all areas of neurology..

Awards for Young Researchers in Neurology Congress 2024 for the Nomination: Only 25 presentations are permitted at the Neurology-2024 Young Researcher Forum for Outstanding Masters, Ph.D., and Post Doctorate Thesis Work Presentations.

Global Association and Societies

  • World Federation of Neurology (WFN)
  • American Academy of Neurology (AAN)
  • European Academy of Neurology (EAN)
  • American Neurological Association (ANA)
  • European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS)
  • World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS)
  • International Headache Society (IHS)
  • Child Neurology Society (CNS)
  • Neurocritical Care Society (NCS)


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