7th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition(AIPR 2024)

7th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition(AIPR 2024)
Event Holding type
Event type

★ Publication

After a careful reviewing process, all accepted papers after proper registration and presentation will be published in International Conference Proceedings Series by ACM (ISBN: 979-8-4007-1717-8), which will be indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus and submitted to be reviewed by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI Web of Science).

–AIPR 2018-2022 Proceedings have been included in ACM Digital Library, and indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus.


★ ★ Some selected papers, after content extension (at least 40%) and peer-review, will be recommended to be published in Information Sciences as regular papers.

-ISSN: 0020-0255

-Impact Factor: 6.795

-Abstracting and Indexing: Science Citation Index, Ei Compendex, Scopus, etc.



★Call for papers★

★Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning★

· Statistical, syntactic and structural pattern recognition

· Machine learning and data mining

· Artificial neural networks

· Classification and clustering

· Graphical Models for Pattern Recognition


★Computer Vision and Robot Vision★

· Vision sensors

· Biologically motivated vision

· Illumination and reflectance modeling

· Computational photography

· Motion, tracking and video analysis

· 2D/3D object detection and recognition

· Deep learning

· Vision for robotics


★Image, Speech, Signal and Video Processing★

· Image, Speech, Signal and Video Processing

· Image and video analysis and understanding

· Sensor array & multichannel signal processing

· Audio and acoustic processing and analysis

· Multimedia analysis, indexing and retrieval


★Document Analysis, Biometrics and Pattern Recognition Applications★

· Character and Text Recognition

· Handwriting Recognition

· Gesture and Behavior Analysis

· Mixed and Augmented Reality

· Face, fingerprint and iris recognition

· Multi-biometrics


★Biomedical Image Analysis and Applications★

· Medical image and signal analysis

· Biological image and signal analysis

· Modeling, simulation and visualization

· Computer-aided detection and diagnosis

· Medical and biological imaging

· Brain-computer interfaces

More Topics, please visit at http://www.aipr.net/pages/cfp.html



1. Full paper (publication and presentation)

2. Abstract (presentation only)


①For full paper and abstract, please upload it(pdf.) to the Electronic Submission System (.pdf)


②Send your enquiry to aipr@bmail.org

More details about submission, please visit at http://www.aipr.net/pages/sub.html



Ms. Riley Chen

Email: aipr@bmail.org

Tel: +86-18081079313; +86-28-86256789



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