
Hawai‘i’s agricultural system is complex, interwoven, and connected to the larger community ecosystem. It is also a nexus for building a healthier community through food security, ecosystem services, economic diversification and mālama for the environment.


Recent global and local disruptions have instilled a renewed recognition that our community values and needs agriculture from a holistic standpoint. Building a vibrant agricultural sector that includes feeding our community is a systems driven process, and the diverse players include producers, neighbors, landowners, lenders, decision-makers, consumers, and multiple other auxiliary industry representatives. Agriculture requires the engagement and contributions of this broader community to move forward.


Join us at AG2024 to explore opportunities for developing unified strategies to address complex issues. Discuss how the community’s desire for a vibrant agricultural sector, food security, healthy communities and a thriving environment can inform and guide change. Help brainstorm, shape and implement agricultural plans at local and state levels and play a role in reconnecting to Hawai‘i’s core value of mālama ʻāina to build a healthier and unified community.




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